Historical Image Overlays
I am grateful to the following institutions for granting permission for use of their images in these overlays and their work on these photographic efforts.
1887 - photographs taken for F. H. A. Scrivener's Codex S. Ceaddae Latinus
1911 - photographs taken for Bishop Ware, Lichfield Cathedral
1929 - Photostat copy produced by the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth
1956 - color slides likely taken by Brother Frowin Oslender, Bildarchive der Abtei Maria Laach. Special thanks to Rob Grose for his aid in their digitization.
1962 - photographs taken by the Conway Library, Courtauld Institute of Art, London
1982 - color transparencies taken by Sonia Halliday
2003 - color digital images taken by the British Library, in collaboration with Lichfield Cathedral, England, and Llandeilo Fawr, Wales
2010 - multispectral digital images, my efforts, in collaboration with Lichfield Cathedral
(To help discover changes, I also include greyscale images generated through subtraction, such as the 1962 photographs subtracted from the 2010 images. Whitish areas represent changes; however, some of these whitish areas are caused by anomalies in a photograph or slide, such as a smudge or scratch. See Digitizing Medieval Manuscripts for a full discussion.)